Code Of Conduct For The Members Of Que Group, Inc. A Not-for-profit Corporation

(As Amended) Effective: January 1st, 2018


The following are the purposes for which this Code of Conduct has been initiated:
The organization intents to provide protection of the purpose and interest of the organization and its members, against unlawful use of information collected and provided, disrespectful behavior and persons acting against the organization or its Sponsors.

ARTICLE II Definitions

Within this Code of Conduct, “contribution” means any material presented, posted or uploaded to the QUE Group forums or social media sites including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio material.

ARTICLE III General Code of Conduct

The QUE Group Board of Directors are charged with preserving the integrity of the website, forums, social media and conference content. Monitoring, editing, deleting content or locking a thread against further entries may become necessary. It will be at the discretion of the Board when they judge the Code of Conduct has been violated.

  • Refrain from using the website, forums, social media or conference attendance for abuse or harassment of members, volunteers, and sponsors.
  • Agree not to present or post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, condescending, threatening material or any other material that may violate any applicable laws.
  • Reveal confidential information relating to individuals, businesses, policy, or operations.
  • Solicit Services without the permission of the QUE Group Board of Directors outside of acceptable options made available.

ARTICLE IV Forum Code of Conduct

The moderators of the QUE Group forums will attempt to remove or edit any objectionable material as quickly as possible. Report to a moderator privately if you have found a post that you feel is inappropriate or that violates the forum Code of Conduct.

  • Refrain from Flaming and condescending messages. Flames are messages that personally attack, call people names, or otherwise harass another forum member or any person.
  • Refrain from generally condescending posts. Some Users will be more experienced than others, comments such as: ‘This was simple, I’m surprised you couldn’t figure it out.’, ‘Good luck getting it work, it was so easy for me.’, etc. are not acceptable. These forums are available to help each other grow and work on things.
  • Refrain from create multiple posts or threads on the same topic in order to gain attention to an issue.
  • Refrain from posts that are irrelevant to the thread you are posting in or create threads that are irrelevant to the topic of the forum you are posting in.

ARTICLE V Consequences of violating the Code of Conduct

The Board of Directors reserves the right to take any of the following actions in regard to violations:

  • Edit your post.
  • Remove images/links/videos that are in violation.
  • Remove a post/thread.
  • Close a thread.
  • Issue Warnings to Individuals who violate the Code of Conduct.
  • Block from further posting.
  • Inform your service provider
  • Revoke Membership without refund of annual fee

ARTICLE VI Amendments

QUE Group Board reserves the right to change or amend these rules, pending a vote consisting of 51% of the Board of Directors.